InvestInBari is the platform for investors, companies and talent interested in being located in Bari, Italy.
Its OneStopShop desk provides information, streamlines processes and facilitates operations with local institutions and agencies.

InvestInBari, through specialised advisors, is able to assist companies and the PA involved in the management of complex reindustrialisation and corporate restructuring projects carried out according to a logic of social responsibility and sustainability. The goal is to relaunch the company by restructuring it in order to maximise the employment continuity of the workers involved and to enhance and requalify the productive assets.

To this end, the Socially Responsible Restructuring (SRR) method is used. This was developed in the aftermath of the great financial crisis of 2008 and successfully consolidated in numerous cases carried out in very difficult and different contexts and conditions. The SRR is considered best practice by the Organizzazione Mondiale del Lavoro or ‘World Work Organization’ (Source: Il Sole 24 Ore). The win-win benefits of these projects are evident for all involved (workers, companies, institutions, trade unions, business associations, other companies and other activities within the territorial economy etc).


Reindustrialisation consists of the search for one or more potential operators interested in taking over a site undergoing decommissioning, evaluation of the industrial and financial soundness of potential successors, and of the sustainability of the industrial plan, in addition to the employment absorption of the workers involved. An appraisal of the property and plant of the decommissioned site is carried out, with an estimate of the economic value and identification of possible solutions, including possible division and / or industrial redevelopment.

The project is followed in all its parts until the start of the selected reindustrialisation plans.

Main Skills and Activities

For the implementation of reindustrialisation projects, Invest In Bari, with the help of specialised partners, carries out the necessary activities through specific and integrated skills:

  • The search for successors and investors with verification of soundness;
  • Territorial intelligence and the development of industrial plans for the relaunch of the area and the company turnaround;
  • Organization and Human Resources;
  • Technical-real estate engineering, energy management and industrial requalification;
  • Institutional and industrial relations;
  • Communication and media relations;
  • Crisis management;
  • Supporting the legal offices in the development of tools for the social mitigation plan for reindustrialisation and active relocation.

These skills facilitate the effective collaboration of all the stakeholders involved in the management of a crisis (companies, trade unions, public bodies involved at national and local level, business associations, etc) in order to activate all energies and resources which could be useful for the implementation of the Plan of Social Mitigation of the restructuring.

Operationally, a widespread and extensive search for potential reindustrialisers is carried out, verifying the solidity and sustainability of their industrial plan. This is often done through public and private partners and in close collaboration with the governmental bodies in charge at both national level (MiSE, Invitalia, ITA-ICE, SACE) and regional (Departments for Productive activities and Work, Crisis Units and Regional Agencies for Employment and Training).

Through Active Re-employment, a careful analysis of the profiles to be recollocated and of the local labor market is carried out. The search is preferably for permanent job offers.

The company is supported in defining and managing a social mitigation plan and in negotiating with the social partners. In this way, the company is fully assisted in the optimal management of the restructuring in all its phases.

Invest In Bari also acts as an interlocutor to support the local public administration in the definition and management of territorial revitalisation plans from an industrial point of view.

In the search for potential successors qualified for reindustrialisation, direct and indirect national networks and international partners are used.

  • Research of successors for Reindustrialization
    Find one or more potential operators interested in taking over the abandoned site, make an assessment of solidity in order to carry out sustainable industrial projects over time that absorb the largest number of workers. Carry out a real estate and plant engineering appraisal with an estimate of the economic value and the identification of possible industrial redevelopment and division projects. Give assistance in the start-up of selected reindustrialisation projects.
  • Institutional and industrial relations
    Facilitation and support for relations with local and national institutions in charge of crisis management and with trade union organisations. Assistance in defining the negotiation strategy with social partners.
  • Crisis & reputation management
    Assistance in communication strategy and operational management of media relations. Development of documents and training of company spokespersons.
  • Turn around
    Definition and assistance in the implementation of reorganisation projects and plans for company relaunch in continuity or discontinuity with the business model and with the organisation of organisational processes.

Occupational Continuity Programs

The Employment Continuity Program (PCO), which includes Active Relocation together with Reindustrialisation, is the main tool of a social mitigation plan activated by a company that wants to restructure in a socially responsible perspective, or in other words, wants to concretely support outgoing workers in their reintegration into the world of work.

Within the PCO, Active Re-employment is the innovative method of a widespread search for job opportunities consistent with the profiles involved and carried out in collaboration with other local stakeholders (for example regions, business associations, districts, trade unions, centres for employment, etc.), aimed at hiring workers, under incentive conditions and generally for an indefinite period, by companies based in the reference territory.

Skills and Main Activities

The active Re-employment process is mainly focused on the active search and matching of job offers in the reference area, generally for an indefinite period, and consistent with the profiles of those involved.

Below is a summary of the key activities developed:

  • Profiles and context analysis
    Conducting a careful analysis of the profiles to be relocated and the local labour market, and in particular identifying all the initiatives, measures, programs and incentives aimed at promoting reintegration into the world of work thanks to the constant monitoring of incentives at national and local level.Together with the regional institutions, active policy measures are also identified in order to increase relocation through professional retraining and in support of self-employment or start-ups.
  • Active search for job opportunities
    The search for companies is activated through networking, direct and indirect contacts, partnerships on the territory, trade associations and relations with institutions, so all stakeholders become an active part of the project. It is the phase in which there is direct contact with the potential company interested in hiring, where profiles are promoted and the project as a whole is explained.
    The consistency between the job offers collected and the specific skills of the available profiles is checked in a timely manner.
  • Gap analysis for professional retraining
    Following a careful analysis of the feedback received from companies, any gaps between the skills required by the market for a specific role / job and the skills of the profiles are identified, highlighting the detected gaps in knowledge or skills that need to be filled. Thanks to the continuous exchange of information with local institutions and bodies responsible for training, ad hoc professional retraining courses are planned together, which can be accessed through dedicated public or inter-professional funds in order to facilitate reintegration into the world of work.


Last update

16 January 2023, 16:37